the {un}becoming
the {un}becoming
Work with me One on One-
Get lost and found in the wild playground of your body to see how the infinite wants to take shape in you. Here. Now.

provocateur of goosebumps.
cartographer of joy.
weaver of magic.
provocateur of goosebumps. cartographer of joy. weaver of magic.
We collect stories about ourselves, some fixed idea of who we are. For continuity. To conserve energy. In the name of safety. But these stories are just that... stories. Stories we were sold by a culture that desperately tries to tame what it doesn't know or understand.
Identity defines and confines, often suffocating the limitless potentiality that courses through our veins. Jettison the idea that you are a singularity. You are stardust incarnate. You are more process than object... a continual becoming and unbecoming... an ever-changing expression of a moment in time.
You are a fluid assemblage of every interaction you have every had, will ever have... a living ecology of relationships... a fluctuating capacity... a verb.
Magic and alchemy are knitted into your bones. You are made of the same elements that have existed since the Big Bang. Made of the same carbon of 325 million year old Irish limestone, your bones made from the same calcium that formed the shell that housed an Atlantic bay scallop, the same nitrogen that makes up 78% of our atmosphere, the same oxygen released by a 3200 year old sequoia. You are the unfolding of trillions of desires whispered on the wind, the breath that circulates the earth for millennia upon millennia.
What wants to {un}become of you?
“Nicole is masterful at opening the well of her body, creating spaces of deep safety, peace and inner communion. Her gentleness is in itself a teaching, allowing those in her presence to more easily hear the call of their own voice, and respond to it purposefully.”

"that was exquisite"
"pure juiciness"
"it feels like being at home in myself in a way that I’ve always longed for"
"that was exquisite" "pure juiciness" "it feels like being at home in myself in a way that I’ve always longed for"
This is an invitation to be bigger than the perimeter you've drawn for yourself. To change states at will... for growth, for creativity, for the sheer pleasure of pleasure. You are the ocean... the wave formed by disturbance, cresting and falling into yourself, dissolving, finding form, and dissolving again.
This is dangerous territory because we cannot predict where we will end up. It's an improvisation... with life.
Who will you be when you let go of the face you wear for the world?
Who will you be when you rearrange all the familiar parts of yourself and let the world shape you anew?
Who will you be when you unravel your identity and flirt with the mystery of potentiality?
Who will you be when you strip yourself of every label the world has given you?
Who will you be when you come to the ground of your being, compost yourself, taking it ALL in, and turn it into something new?
You will be a dangerous {un}becoming. The essence of aliveness. The animating force that underlies everything. The place of all possibility.
Does this frighten you? Thrill you? Stir your curiosity?
This journey is not for the faint of heart. It is devotion to the mystery. This is not a garden to cast seeds upon and walk away. This garden must be tended, nourished, fed, and weeded. First year it sleeps, second year it creeps, third year it leaps. So to speak. This work takes radical self-responsibility for showing up for yourself day after day to see what is blossoming and what needs tending.
This work is less about productivity, healing, or even growth, though those are often a by-product steeped with riches unimaginable. This work is for the purpose of being turned on and moved by life, being in courageous communion and participation with life, and letting more of life exude out of your every pore... changing everything you touch. The only destination is joy. Joy as an intimacy with all of life, the fantabulous and the heartbreak. Luxuriating in the deluge of beauty and the thrilling throb of pain.

"a holy experience"
"that was such a gift that I'm still experiencing"
"it was gorgeous. just gorgeous."
"a holy experience" "that was such a gift that I'm still experiencing" "it was gorgeous. just gorgeous."
My great work is to steward this deepening lovership with yourself. To walk alongside and reflect the beauty that already exists, ready to be alchemized into something new. To marry the mundane with the miraculous. To mine the gems from your life and plunge into the riches that are begging to be seen by you.
My jam is putting life under a microscope, not to dissect and strip away from the larger whole, but to marvel at the wonder of what lies underneath and make it stretch into a little infinity. My specialty is knowing everything, everything is a love story waiting to be discovered. My prowess is following the exploding goosebumps of my body like antennae, my body's holy yes. My forte is building an altar to desire, to linger and lengthen desire, using is as a compass, as fuel, as it's own reward. My fluency is finding the god in the accidental slice of blade that sinks into skin while chopping vegetables, blurring the lines of pleasure and pain, reminding me of the throbbing life that runs through all of me. My art is immersing myself in the thick currents of life and being inundated by its beauty. My savvy is laying my cheek to the earth's rhythms to be moved in harmony with the pulse of divinity. My jawn is being a disciple of nuance and texture that make life so damn beautiful. These specialties only make me special in that I have devoted myself to being an apprentice to these practices. You can too.
This is a sanctuary to gain shape and lose shape, to shapeshift in companionship. A place to come to ground and begin again. A place to pluck the resonant strings of creation to compose the song of your body. This is a refuge to dip into the dark seductive mystery of potentiality, tease out a shape of your body's conversation with the universe, gift it to the world through your living flesh before dipping back into the mysteries. This is a haven to be swallowed whole by the intoxicating siren call of the moment. Give yourself over to the tumble of the wave, not knowing which way is up or down until she spits you out.
Come, sip the nectar of life, drink it in until all you see and hear and taste and feel is beauty, and proclaim 'fuck yes! more please.'
This container is part dance party, part epic ritual, part written reflections. It is all an act of listening, of shifting ecology, of composting every element, of teasing out desire, of a continuum of destruction and creation, of living interstitially. It is a spontaneous collaborative dance between you, me, and the universe between us and around us. Sometimes it will look like leaping off a cliff and other times it's gently stretching mere millimeters beyond yourself. All of you embraced.
What is your {un}becoming?

"beyond words"
"I'm still buzzing"
"it felt like I stepped through the looking glass"
"so yummy... soooo yummy"
"beyond words" "I'm still buzzing" "it felt like I stepped through the looking glass" "so yummy... soooo yummy"
This container is for humans who:
are lovers, dreamers, courageous star gazers, dwellers, pioneers, and pilgrims of the liminal
long to skinny dip in the immersive currents of life force
want to cartwheel with creation
ache to glimpse eternity in the eyes of their lover
desire to plunge headlong into their thirst and hunger for life
are thirsty to unwrap themselves to the mysteries
revel in dancing with the Eros of polarity
wish to devote themselves to the emerging moment
long to dwell in the belonging of their body
crave to dip their quill into the rich ink of the mystery to write a new reality
aspire to attune to their hyphenated participation with the divine
drench themselves in reverie
value interesting over expediency, slow and spacious over speed
favor nuance, subtlety, and depth over quick fixes
don't shy away from the dark
understand reality is a web where everything is sistered to everything
will devote themselves to curiosity, wonder, and play
will linger in the questions
yearn to get closer to the kinky erotic hum of life
want to dive headlong into the bittersweet mindfuck of paradox
are willing to take full responsibility for their own experience and resourcing themselves in between our time together
may be terrified about who or what they'll encounter and yet are secretly (or not so secretly) turned on by it
who are bored with talking about healing and just want to get closer to all of life, the sublime and the down and dirty, and use it all as inspiration, as fuel, expanding their capacity to hold and feel it all
“…That was, that was amazing. It was amazing. Mmmmm. What you just did, it was just, I can’t even tell you. It was just. I don’t have more words. I’m just really really grateful. Thank you so much…
Nicole is magic. I’ve worked with her, danced with her, been taught by her and changed by her. She holds power in her fingertips and love in her eyes. She grounds any storm and loosens any stuck. She is as stable as a rock but as light as a balloon. You feel held in her cocoon while emboldened by her confidence.
Nicole is a true teacher...
guiding you to the edge, standing back to watch you fly.”

provocateur of goosebumps.
cartographer of joy.
weaver of magic.
provocateur of goosebumps. cartographer of joy. weaver of magic.
The {un}becoming is a custom curated program tailored to your life and level of commitment but generally includes:
60 minute sessions weekly or every other week via zoom
recordings of sessions for you to keep and playback
custom practices to experiment with in between sessions
ongoing text and voice note support
invitations into your most audaciously juicy life!
15% off your choice of upcoming offering
Each session is a spontaneous collaboration born of exploring what is currently alive in you and what direction you’d like to travel. We will draw from a magic backpack of tools that may include:
imagination practices, breathwork, intuitive movement or dancing, writing reflections, conversation, guided meditations, vocal exercises, and other somatic practices.
No. This work is not about quick fixes and hacking life, it’s getting into the grit and breadth of life… depth built through spaciousness, time, and devotion. Overflow comes from a steady rhythm of nourishment, coming back to ourselves, again and again and again. Companioning people back to themselves over longer containers is the most thrilling and impactful way I know how.