provocateur of goosebumps.

provocateur of goosebumps.


will also reply to “buttons!” or “lil buddy” but never “Nikki Doll”

aka Nic, Nickerrs, Cole, Nicky

cartographer of joy.

cartographer of joy.

turned on by life, itself

I've spent the last decade of my life soaking up knowledge and experiences in a multitude of fields and mediums. For years I had a hard time making sense of my need to pursue so many different avenues. Over the years I've discovered a thread that runs through them all... a devotion to the thrill of being alive and finding a felt sense of belonging in the home of the body.

All art is just an expression of what it means to be a human moving through this world. My body is my primary medium. Everything I create comes through this body of mine whether it be a poem, a painting, a glance that passes like lightning, joy that shimmers below the surface of my skin, or the tone my voice takes when I tell someone I love them.

I want my life and my art to drive the growth of each other, to become one and the same, to ripple with the pulse of the universe. So I devote my attention to the shiver that lives under life... that impulse a plant has to stretch towards the sun, to grow with the simple joy of being alive.

This impulse lives in every human but is dulled by culture, our sensitivity to it dampened just to survive. I point people back to themselves and this impulse, to luxuriate in mystery and possibility, to reclaim pleasure and joy as their own source of fuel, and to create art and a life born of the body.

Come, frolic in the playgrounds I’ve designed…seduce wonder and delight and plunge into a love affair between infinity and your body.

weaver of magic.

weaver of magic.

Words of appreciation...

  • "Nicole is masterful at opening the well of her body, creating spaces of deep safety, peace and inner communion. Her gentleness is in itself a teaching, allowing those in her presence to more easily hear the call of their own voice, and respond to it purposefully. "


  • "Oh my goodness…That was, that was amazing. It was amazing. Mmmmm. What you just did, it was just, I can't even tell you. It was just. I don't have more words. I'm just really really grateful. Thank you so much…“


  • "Some holy juiciness or juicy holiness idk but yummy yummy."


  • "Nicolllleeeeeeeeeee. Thank you so much. You gave me space to journey back through past, present, and future, to say thank yous to all parts of my Selves... just to have this space and your wise gentle guidance, I am so grateful."


  • "Wowza. So good, Nicole. Thank you."


  • "It was so stinking powerful."


  • "Thank you for offering so much beauty."


  • "Thank you Nicooooooole that was SO BEAUTIFUUUUUULLLL. A holy experience."

    Maya Lila